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Salmonella, Frogs & Toads.
Salt, killing power of
Septicemia, in frog.
Sight, Frog's
Scratching Disease
Seat patch
Setting up Quarantine Tank
Size/Sex of, frogs (male versus female)
Size of, Tank
Skeleton, Frogs' (3)
Skin broken, lesions
Slugs, culturing
Slugs as carriers of parasites
Smoking (& the handling of frogs)
Snails as carriers of parasites See Also:Snails with Frogs
Snake eating frog eggs (1)
Snout to Vent, measuring frogs
Soil, contaminated
Songs of various frogs
Sounds and calls of frogs, for sale: Elliot, Lang
Sphagnum Moss, use
Sphagnum Moss, definition & photo.
Sphagnum Moss, used in Transportation
Spindle Leg Syndrome
Spirometra inflicted frog (1) + description.
Springtails, culturing
Spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) (1)
Song, Spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) (1)
Steppe (climates)
Sterilize, Sterilizing; How-to
Strongyloid lungworms, definition. (Nematodes)
Syringes, Sterilizing
Syringes, Using
Submersible pumps, in Hydration Chamber

Symptoms, Sick Frogs

Frogs are lethargic and refuse to eat. Sores may be on their skin are often present on the legs and ventral surfaces.

The frog's skin seems to be full of liquid, separating it from muscle and causing the 'bloated' appearance. It can be in patchy areas, or in severe cases, all over the frog's body. The frog's abdomen seems to be particularly affected.

Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, kidney failure, and internal bleeding.

Signs similar to that of human blood poisoning, but also spleen, heart, liver, kidney damage

Signs of parasites, tiny holes, bumps under the flesh, white worms in stool.
See also: Spirometra, parasitical, and frog will have open wounds on dorsum and thighs by the time you notice problem.

Frog squirms, turns to look at its side, puffed up area in intestinal region, cannot 'potty'

Furry spots on skin of frog, broken skin areas with furry spots surrounding,

Abnormal posture such as back legs spread out. Shows hyperpigmentation, (pinkish or reddish skin around belly and upper thighs) skin-sloughing, If aquatic frog, loss of slime layer and floating near surface. Diurnals may sleep in day, Nocturnals awake in day. Thickened skin and sudden death.

Broken skin abrasions, scrapes or cuts

Swollen lymph glands, passing worms in stool, non-frog eggs in the frogs' gut,

Excess of muscous being made by your frog, his skin may seem irritable and itchy. Clouded eyes and skin-sheddings,

Bubbles begin appearing your frog's feet and webbings. Your frog/tadpole may begin to float, or be unable to submerge himself. This leads to a hard time eating. When it's really bad, he may even begin to show skin lesions.

Frogs either lose the use of their hind legs slowly, or become paralyzed altogether. Irregular muscular activity and failure of muscular coordination (ataxia), partial paralysis of the hind legs, dilated pupils unresponsive to light, and a loss of the righting response. The skin is often dry on the head and back.

Your Frogs will begin scratching themselves, especially on the flanks and dorsum. This behavior will be more intensified right after you have misted the vivarium. As time goes on, the affected frog(s) will become more lethargic, eventually stopping all activity and then refusing food. If nothing is done, the frog will end up dying, and he usually seeks out a pool or waterdish to expire in.

Spindley, thin, and brittle appearing legs on your tadpoles and froglets. Froglet has very hard time moving his back legs.








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