Frog   Glossary   Q

Frog   Glossary   R

Race: A sub-species within a species.
Rainchamber: A large glass or acrylic tank that is specifically designed to induce breeding amoung a colony of frogs. See the page Rainchamber for more on this.
Ranid: A true frog, also called "Rana". Some True frogs include Bullfrogs, Green frogs and Leopard Frogs.
Reagent: A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, or yield other substances.
Rugose: Not smooth. Instead, wrinkled or tuberculate.

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Frog   Glossary   S

Saproglenia: Belonging to the order Peronosporales, Saproglenia are a terrestrial fungi, or earth-based; develop their entire life cycle on living hosts and cannot be grown in laboratory culture. Of great economic importance, two of which have had a great impact on human affairs. Both Phytophthora infestans and Plasmopara viticola pass their entire life cycle inside the tissues of their plant hosts and produce sporangia on the host surface. This harmful fungus creates a threat to the frogs' eggs, tadpoles and frogs.
Saprophytic:Deriving nutrients and/or support from another object. Example being a mushroom, which is called a saprophyte, takes nourishment from decaying leaf matter.
Saxicolous: Referring to "rock dwelling".
Scansorial: Capable of or adapted for climbing.
Drink patch Seat patch: An area of an amphibian's skin that surrounds the vent. It is often more heavily pigmented and is the point of contact with other surfaces when he rests. It is thought to be responsible for fluid intake and the osmotic release of minerals and chemicals, similar to a human sweating. Also called a drink-patch.
Self-Cure: The process in which a host cures itself of an infecting agent.
Septicemia: A condition in which infection is lead through the blood stream. Blood poisioning. Cures are made with anti-microbial drugs, as it is caused by bacteria and/or viruses.
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Short-ray: Violet & Blue light is the shortest wave-length of light. (which incidentally, is why the sky appears blue.) Violet is measured at 455-390, blue at 492-455. Red is the longest, and comes in at 780-622.
Sphagnum moss: Found in places like Home Garden centers, sphagnum moss is usually dried and then used as a soil-less additive for plants like orchids and bromeliads. It is wetted down and allowed to reconstitute before adding to a soil mix or frog substrate. It can serve as a slight irritant to human skin, but fine for frogs. Live sphagnum moss can sometimes be found through mail order and Online, where small flats of it are excellent for use as vivarium bed-cover. Dried type is also used by froggers as a "morph mat" when trying to breed a particular species. It is even required for some morphs, as it has a high tannin content which the froglets need in order to grow.
Species: A group of similar creatures that produce viable young when breeding. The taxonomic designation that falls between genus and above subspecies.
Sterile earth: Soil that has been sterilized by heat. The heat kills the parasites and other pathogens.
Subdigital: Beneath the toes.
Subspecies: The subdivision of a species. A race may differ sligtly in color, size, scalation, or other features.
Sulfa drugs: A group of drugs that slow bacterial growth. They stop the growth of folic acid.
Supratympanal: Positioned above the typanum (the external eardrum)
Supercilliary: Positioned on the upper eyelid.
Sympatric: Occuring in the same geographical area.
Systemic: Means to affect the entire body, not just one area.








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